2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
package com.jens.automation2 ;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice ;
import android.content.Context ;
2021-02-16 20:24:12 +01:00
import android.os.Build ;
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
import android.util.Log ;
2021-02-16 20:24:12 +01:00
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
import com.jens.automation2.receivers.BluetoothReceiver ;
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
import java.sql.Time ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
import java.util.ArrayList ;
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
import java.util.Calendar ;
import java.util.Date ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
public class Trigger
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
Rule parentRule = null ;
2021-11-27 01:52:57 +01:00
boolean hasFlipped = false ;
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
2021-11-27 01:52:57 +01:00
public boolean getHasFlipped ( )
return hasFlipped ;
public void setHasFlipped ( boolean hasFlipped )
this . hasFlipped = hasFlipped ;
public boolean applies ( Object triggeringObject )
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
switch ( this . getTriggerType ( ) )
case timeFrame :
if ( ! checkDateTime ( triggeringObject , false ) )
return false ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return true ;
catch ( Exception e )
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " e " , " Trigger " , " Error while checking if rule " + getParentRule ( ) . getName ( ) + " applies. Error occured in trigger " + this . toString ( ) + " . " + Miscellaneous . lineSeparator + Log . getStackTraceString ( e ) , 1 ) ;
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
return false ;
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
public boolean hasStateRecentlyNotApplied ( Object triggeringObject )
// nur mit einem Trigger?
// door -> was state different in previous step
switch ( getTriggerType ( ) )
case timeFrame :
if ( ! checkDateTime ( triggeringObject , true ) )
return false ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return true ;
catch ( Exception e )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " e " , " Trigger " , " Error while checking if rule " + getParentRule ( ) . getName ( ) + " applies. Error occured in trigger " + this . toString ( ) + " . " + Miscellaneous . lineSeparator + Log . getStackTraceString ( e ) , 1 ) ;
return false ;
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
public boolean checkDateTime ( Object triggeringObject , boolean checkifStateChangedSinceLastRuleExecution )
/ *
* Use format known from Automation
* 07 : 30 : 00 / 17 : 30 : 00 / 23456 / 300 < - - last parameter is optional : repetition in seconds
* Also required : inside or outside that interval
* /
Date triggeringTime ;
if ( triggeringObject instanceof Date )
triggeringTime = ( Date ) triggeringObject ;
triggeringTime = new Date ( ) ;
String timeString = String . valueOf ( triggeringTime . getHours ( ) ) + " : " + String . valueOf ( triggeringTime . getMinutes ( ) ) + " : " + String . valueOf ( triggeringTime . getSeconds ( ) ) ;
Time nowTime = Time . valueOf ( timeString ) ;
Calendar calNow = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;
TimeFrame tf = new TimeFrame ( getTriggerParameter2 ( ) ) ;
if ( tf . getDayList ( ) . contains ( calNow . get ( Calendar . DAY_OF_WEEK ) ) )
if (
// Regular case, start time is lower than end time
Miscellaneous . compareTimes ( tf . getTriggerTimeStart ( ) , nowTime ) > = 0
& &
Miscellaneous . compareTimes ( nowTime , tf . getTriggerTimeStop ( ) ) > 0
// Other case, start time higher than end time, timeframe goes over midnight
Miscellaneous . compareTimes ( tf . getTriggerTimeStart ( ) , tf . getTriggerTimeStop ( ) ) < 0
& &
( Miscellaneous . compareTimes ( tf . getTriggerTimeStart ( ) , nowTime ) > = 0
Miscellaneous . compareTimes ( nowTime , tf . getTriggerTimeStop ( ) ) > 0 )
// We are in the timeframe
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " Trigger " , " TimeFrame: We're currently ( " + calNow . getTime ( ) . toString ( ) + " ) in the specified TimeFrame ( " + tf . toString ( ) + " ). " , 4 ) ;
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
if ( checkifStateChangedSinceLastRuleExecution )
/ *
* Was there a target repetition time between last execution and now ?
* If not - > return false .
* /
Calendar compareCal = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;
compareCal . setTimeInMillis ( triggeringTime . getTime ( ) ) ;
if ( tf . getRepetition ( ) > 0 )
if ( ! isSupposedToRepeatSinceLastExecution ( compareCal ) )
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " TimeFrame " , " TimeFrame: Trigger of rule " + this . getParentRule ( ) . getName ( ) + " applies, but repeated execution is not due, yet. " , 4 ) ;
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
return false ;
/ *
* This is not a repeating rule . Have we left
* the relevant timeframe since the last run ?
* Determine if it has ran today already . If yes
* return false because every rule that is not
* repeating can only be executed once per day .
* /
if (
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
getParentRule ( ) . getLastExecution ( ) . get ( Calendar . YEAR ) = = calNow . get ( Calendar . YEAR )
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
& &
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
getParentRule ( ) . getLastExecution ( ) . get ( Calendar . MONTH ) = = calNow . get ( Calendar . MONTH )
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
& &
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
getParentRule ( ) . getLastExecution ( ) . get ( Calendar . DAY_OF_MONTH ) = = calNow . get ( Calendar . DAY_OF_MONTH )
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " TimeFrame " , " TimeFrame: Trigger of rule " + this . getParentRule ( ) . getName ( ) + " applies, but it was already executed today. " , 4 ) ;
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
return false ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " Trigger " , " TimeFrame: That's what's specified. Trigger of rule " + this . getParentRule ( ) . getName ( ) + " applies. " , 4 ) ;
return true ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " Trigger " , " TimeFrame: That's not what's specified. Trigger of rule " + this . getParentRule ( ) . getName ( ) + " doesn't apply. " , 4 ) ;
return false ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " Trigger " , " TimeFrame: We're currently ( " + calNow . getTime ( ) . toString ( ) + " , Day: " + String . valueOf ( calNow . get ( Calendar . DAY_OF_WEEK ) ) + " ) not in the specified TimeFrame ( " + tf . toString ( ) + " ) because of the time. " , 5 ) ;
if ( ! getTriggerParameter ( ) )
if ( checkifStateChangedSinceLastRuleExecution )
/ *
* Was there a target repetition time between last execution and now ?
* If not - > return false .
* /
Calendar compareCal = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;
compareCal . setTimeInMillis ( triggeringTime . getTime ( ) ) ;
if ( tf . getRepetition ( ) > 0 )
if ( ! isSupposedToRepeatSinceLastExecution ( compareCal ) )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " Trigger " , " TimeFrame: Trigger of rule " + this . getParentRule ( ) . getName ( ) + " applies, but repeated execution is not due, yet. " , 4 ) ;
return false ;
/ *
* This is not a repeating rule . Have we left
* the relevant timeframe since the last run ?
* Determine if it has ran today already . If yes
* return false because every rule that is not
* repeating can only be executed once per day .
* /
if (
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
getParentRule ( ) . getLastExecution ( ) . get ( Calendar . YEAR ) = = calNow . get ( Calendar . YEAR )
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
& &
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
getParentRule ( ) . getLastExecution ( ) . get ( Calendar . MONTH ) = = calNow . get ( Calendar . MONTH )
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
& &
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
getParentRule ( ) . getLastExecution ( ) . get ( Calendar . DAY_OF_MONTH ) = = calNow . get ( Calendar . DAY_OF_MONTH )
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " Trigger " , " TimeFrame: Trigger of rule " + this . getParentRule ( ) . getName ( ) + " applies, but it was already executed today. " , 4 ) ;
return false ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " Trigger " , " TimeFrame: That's what's specified. Trigger of rule " + this . getParentRule ( ) . getName ( ) + " applies. " , 5 ) ;
return true ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " Trigger " , " TimeFrame: That's not what's specified. Trigger of rule " + this . getParentRule ( ) . getName ( ) + " doesn't apply. " , 5 ) ;
return false ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " Trigger " , " TimeFrame: We're currently ( " + calNow . getTime ( ) . toString ( ) + " , Day: " + String . valueOf ( calNow . get ( Calendar . DAY_OF_WEEK ) ) + " ) not in the specified TimeFrame ( " + tf . toString ( ) + " ) because of the day. " , 5 ) ;
return false ;
catch ( Exception e )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " e " , " Trigger " , " There was an error while checking if the time based trigger applies: " + Log . getStackTraceString ( e ) , 1 ) ;
return false ;
public static Calendar getNextRepeatedExecutionAfter ( Trigger trigger , Calendar now )
Calendar calSet ;
Time setTime ;
TimeFrame tf = new TimeFrame ( trigger . getTriggerParameter2 ( ) ) ;
if ( tf . getRepetition ( ) > 0 )
if ( trigger . getTriggerParameter ( ) )
setTime = tf . getTriggerTimeStart ( ) ;
setTime = tf . getTriggerTimeStop ( ) ;
calSet = ( Calendar ) now . clone ( ) ;
calSet . set ( Calendar . HOUR_OF_DAY , setTime . getHours ( ) ) ;
calSet . set ( Calendar . MINUTE , setTime . getMinutes ( ) ) ;
calSet . set ( Calendar . SECOND , 0 ) ;
calSet . set ( Calendar . MILLISECOND , 0 ) ;
// if(this.applies(null))
// {
// If the starting time is a day ahead remove 1 day.
if ( calSet . getTimeInMillis ( ) > now . getTimeInMillis ( ) )
calSet . add ( Calendar . DAY_OF_MONTH , - 1 ) ;
long differenceInSeconds = Math . abs ( now . getTimeInMillis ( ) - calSet . getTimeInMillis ( ) ) / 1000 ;
long nextExecutionMultiplier = Math . floorDiv ( differenceInSeconds , tf . getRepetition ( ) ) + 1 ;
long nextScheduleTimestamp = ( calSet . getTimeInMillis ( ) / 1000 ) + ( nextExecutionMultiplier * tf . getRepetition ( ) ) ;
Calendar calSchedule = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;
calSchedule . setTimeInMillis ( nextScheduleTimestamp * 1000 ) ;
/ *
* Das war mal aktiviert . Allerdings : Die ganze Funktion liefert zurück , wenn die Regel NOCH nicht
* zutrifft , aber wir z . B . gleich den zeitlichen Bereich betreten .
* /
// if(trigger.checkDateTime(calSchedule.getTime(), false))
// {
return calSchedule ;
// }
// }
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " Trigger " , " Trigger " + trigger . toString ( ) + " is not executed repeatedly. " , 5 ) ;
return null ;
boolean isSupposedToRepeatSinceLastExecution ( Calendar now )
TimeFrame tf = new TimeFrame ( getTriggerParameter2 ( ) ) ;
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
Calendar lastExec = getParentRule ( ) . getLastExecution ( ) ;
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
// the simple stuff:
if ( lastExec = = null ) // rule never run, go any way
return true ;
else if ( tf . getRepetition ( ) < = 0 ) // is not set to repeat at all
return false ;
/ *
* We don ' t need to check if the trigger currently applies , that has
* been done externally via the applies ( ) function . We can safely assume
* we ' re inside the specified timeframe .
* /
Calendar timeSupposedToRunNext = getNextRepeatedExecutionAfter ( this , lastExec ) ;
if ( now . getTimeInMillis ( ) > timeSupposedToRunNext . getTimeInMillis ( ) )
return true ;
return false ;
/ *
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
* Can be several things :
* - PointOfInterest
* - TimeFrame
* - Event ( like charging , cable plugged , etc . )
* /
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
public enum Trigger_Enum {
2021-11-27 20:22:13 +01:00
pointOfInterest , timeFrame , charging , batteryLevel , usb_host_connection , speed , noiseLevel , wifiConnection , process_started_stopped , airplaneMode , roaming , nfcTag , activityDetection , bluetoothConnection , headsetPlugged , notification , devicePosition , phoneCall ; //phoneCall always needs to be at the very end because of Google's shitty so called privacy
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
public String getFullName ( Context context )
switch ( this )
case pointOfInterest :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerPointOfInterest ) ;
case timeFrame :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerTimeFrame ) ;
case charging :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerCharging ) ;
case batteryLevel :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . batteryLevel ) ;
case usb_host_connection :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerUsb_host_connection ) ;
case speed :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerSpeed ) ;
case noiseLevel :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerNoiseLevel ) ;
case wifiConnection :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . wifiConnection ) ;
case process_started_stopped :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . anotherAppIsRunning ) ;
case airplaneMode :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . airplaneMode ) ;
case roaming :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . roaming ) ;
case phoneCall :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . phoneCall ) ;
case nfcTag :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . nfcTag ) ;
case activityDetection :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . activityDetection ) ;
case bluetoothConnection :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . bluetoothConnection ) ;
case headsetPlugged :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerHeadsetPlugged ) ;
2021-03-26 19:58:27 +01:00
case notification :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . notification ) ;
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case devicePosition :
return context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . devicePosition ) ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
default :
return " Unknown " ;
} ;
private boolean triggerParameter ; //if true->started event, if false->stopped
2021-03-27 14:11:39 +01:00
private String triggerParameter2 ;
public static final String triggerParameter2Split = " tp2split " ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
private Trigger_Enum triggerType = null ;
private PointOfInterest pointOfInterest = null ;
private TimeFrame timeFrame ;
2021-05-13 23:50:14 +02:00
public static String triggerPhoneCallStateRinging = " ringing " ;
public static String triggerPhoneCallStateStarted = " started " ;
public static String triggerPhoneCallStateStopped = " stopped " ;
2021-05-14 13:00:25 +02:00
public static String triggerPhoneCallDirectionIncoming = " incoming " ;
2021-05-13 23:50:14 +02:00
public static String triggerPhoneCallDirectionOutgoing = " outgoing " ;
public static String triggerPhoneCallDirectionAny = " any " ;
public static String triggerPhoneCallNumberAny = " any " ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
private double speed ; //km/h
private long noiseLevelDb ;
2021-05-16 14:27:54 +02:00
private String processName = null ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
private int batteryLevel ;
private int phoneDirection = 0 ; // 0=any, 1=incoming, 2=outgoing
private String phoneNumber = null ;
private String nfcTagId = null ;
private String bluetoothEvent = null ;
private String bluetoothDeviceAddress = null ;
private int activityDetectionType = - 1 ;
private int headphoneType = - 1 ;
public int getHeadphoneType ( )
return headphoneType ;
public void setHeadphoneType ( int headphoneType )
this . headphoneType = headphoneType ;
public String getNfcTagId ( )
return nfcTagId ;
public void setNfcTagId ( String nfcTagId )
this . nfcTagId = nfcTagId ;
public int getActivityDetectionType ( )
return activityDetectionType ;
public void setActivityDetectionType ( int activityDetectionType )
this . activityDetectionType = activityDetectionType ;
public String getBluetoothDeviceAddress ( )
return bluetoothDeviceAddress ;
public void setBluetoothDeviceAddress ( String bluetoothDeviceAddress )
this . bluetoothDeviceAddress = bluetoothDeviceAddress ;
public void setPhoneNumber ( String phoneNumber )
this . phoneNumber = phoneNumber ;
public String getPhoneNumber ( )
return phoneNumber ;
public void setPhoneDirection ( int phoneDirection )
this . phoneDirection = phoneDirection ;
public int getPhoneDirection ( )
return phoneDirection ;
public int getBatteryLevel ( )
return batteryLevel ;
public void setBatteryLevel ( int batteryLevel )
this . batteryLevel = batteryLevel ;
public String getProcessName ( )
return processName ;
public void setProcessName ( String processName )
this . processName = processName ;
public PointOfInterest getPointOfInterest ( )
return pointOfInterest ;
public void setPointOfInterest ( PointOfInterest setPointOfInterest )
this . pointOfInterest = setPointOfInterest ;
public double getSpeed ( )
return speed ;
public void setSpeed ( double speed )
this . speed = speed ;
public long getNoiseLevelDb ( )
return noiseLevelDb ;
public void setNoiseLevelDb ( long noiseLevelDb )
this . noiseLevelDb = noiseLevelDb ;
public Trigger_Enum getTriggerType ( )
return triggerType ;
public void setTriggerType ( Trigger_Enum settriggerType )
this . triggerType = settriggerType ;
public boolean getTriggerParameter ( )
return triggerParameter ;
public void setTriggerParameter ( boolean triggerParameter )
this . triggerParameter = triggerParameter ;
2021-03-27 14:11:39 +01:00
public String getTriggerParameter2 ( )
return triggerParameter2 ;
public void setTriggerParameter2 ( String triggerParameter2 )
this . triggerParameter2 = triggerParameter2 ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
public TimeFrame getTimeFrame ( )
return timeFrame ;
public void setTimeFrame ( TimeFrame timeFrame )
this . timeFrame = timeFrame ;
2021-02-16 20:24:12 +01:00
@RequiresApi ( api = Build . VERSION_CODES . KITKAT )
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
@SuppressWarnings ( " unused " )
public String toString ( )
StringBuilder returnString = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
switch ( this . getTriggerType ( ) )
case charging :
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . starting ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . stopping ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerCharging ) ) ;
break ;
case batteryLevel :
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . batteryLevel ) ) ;
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( " " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . exceeds ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( " " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . dropsBelow ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( String . valueOf ( this . getBatteryLevel ( ) ) + " % " ) ;
break ;
case usb_host_connection :
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . connecting ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . disconnecting ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerUsb_host_connection ) ) ;
break ;
case pointOfInterest :
if ( this . getPointOfInterest ( ) ! = null )
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . entering ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . leaving ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( this . getPointOfInterest ( ) . getName ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . leaving ) + " " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . anyLocation ) ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . entering ) + " " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . anyLocation ) ) ;
break ;
case timeFrame :
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . entering ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . leaving ) + " " ) ;
2021-11-07 17:29:00 +01:00
String repeat = " , no repetition " ;
if ( this . getTimeFrame ( ) . getRepetition ( ) > 0 )
2021-11-13 02:17:36 +01:00
repeat = " , " + String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . repeatEveryXsecondsWithVariable ) , String . valueOf ( this . getTimeFrame ( ) . getRepetition ( ) ) ) ;
2021-11-07 17:29:00 +01:00
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerTimeFrame ) + " : " + this . getTimeFrame ( ) . getTriggerTimeStart ( ) . toString ( ) + " " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . until ) + " " + this . getTimeFrame ( ) . getTriggerTimeStop ( ) . toString ( ) + " on days " + this . getTimeFrame ( ) . getDayList ( ) . toString ( ) + repeat ) ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
break ;
case speed :
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . exceeding ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . droppingBelow ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerSpeed ) + " : " + String . valueOf ( this . getSpeed ( ) ) + " km/h " ) ;
break ;
case noiseLevel :
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . exceeding ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . droppingBelow ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . triggerNoiseLevel ) + " : " + String . valueOf ( this . getNoiseLevelDb ( ) ) + " dB " ) ;
break ;
case wifiConnection :
String wifiDisplayName = " " ;
2021-05-16 14:27:54 +02:00
if ( this . getTriggerParameter2 ( ) . length ( ) = = 0 )
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
wifiDisplayName + = Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . anyWifi ) ;
2021-05-16 14:27:54 +02:00
wifiDisplayName + = this . getTriggerParameter2 ( ) ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . connectedToWifi ) , wifiDisplayName ) ) ;
returnString . append ( String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . disconnectedFromWifi ) , wifiDisplayName ) ) ;
break ;
case process_started_stopped :
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . application ) + " " + this . getProcessName ( ) + " " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . is ) + " " ) ;
if ( this . triggerParameter )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . started ) ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . stopped ) ) ;
break ;
case airplaneMode :
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . activated ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . deactivated ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . airplaneMode ) ) ;
break ;
case roaming :
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . activated ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . deactivated ) + " " ) ;
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . roaming ) ) ;
break ;
case phoneCall :
2021-05-14 13:00:25 +02:00
String [ ] elements = triggerParameter2 . split ( triggerParameter2Split ) ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . phoneCall ) ) ;
2021-05-14 13:00:25 +02:00
returnString . append ( " " ) ;
if ( elements [ 1 ] . equals ( triggerPhoneCallDirectionAny ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . with ) ) ;
else if ( elements [ 1 ] . equals ( triggerPhoneCallDirectionIncoming ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . from ) ) ;
else if ( elements [ 1 ] . equals ( triggerPhoneCallDirectionOutgoing ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . to ) ) ;
returnString . append ( " " ) ;
if ( elements [ 2 ] . equals ( Trigger . triggerPhoneCallNumberAny ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . any ) + " " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . number ) ) ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
2021-05-14 13:00:25 +02:00
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . number ) + " " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . matching ) + " " + elements [ 2 ] ) ;
returnString . append ( " " ) ;
2021-05-15 02:27:59 +02:00
if ( elements [ 0 ] . equals ( Trigger . triggerPhoneCallStateRinging ) )
2021-05-14 13:00:25 +02:00
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . ringing ) ) ;
else if ( elements [ 0 ] . equals ( Trigger . triggerPhoneCallStateStarted ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . started ) ) ;
else if ( elements [ 0 ] . equals ( Trigger . triggerPhoneCallStateStopped ) )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . stopped ) ) ;
// returnString.append(Miscellaneous.getAnyContext().getResources().getString(R.string.phoneCall));
// if(phoneNumber != null && !phoneNumber.equals("any"))
// returnString.append(" " + Miscellaneous.getAnyContext().getResources().getString(R.string.with) + " " + Miscellaneous.getAnyContext().getResources().getString(R.string.number) + " " + phoneNumber);
// else
// returnString.append(" " + Miscellaneous.getAnyContext().getResources().getString(R.string.with) + " " + Miscellaneous.getAnyContext().getResources().getString(R.string.anyNumber));
// if(getTriggerParameter())
// returnString.append(" " + Miscellaneous.getAnyContext().getResources().getString(R.string.started));
// else
// returnString.append(" " + Miscellaneous.getAnyContext().getResources().getString(R.string.stopped));
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
break ;
case nfcTag :
// This type doesn't have an activate/deactivate equivalent
// if(getTriggerParameter())
// returnString += Miscellaneous.getAnyContext().getResources().getString(R.string.activated) + " ";
// else
// returnString += Miscellaneous.getAnyContext().getResources().getString(R.string.deactivated) + " ";
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . closeTo ) + " " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . nfcTag ) + " " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . withLabel ) + " " + this . getNfcTagId ( ) ) ;
break ;
case activityDetection :
2021-02-17 19:44:55 +01:00
2021-02-16 20:24:12 +01:00
2021-02-17 22:27:53 +01:00
Class testClass = Class . forName ( ActivityManageRule . activityDetectionClassPath ) ;
2021-02-17 19:44:55 +01:00
if ( ActivityPermissions . isPermissionDeclaratedInManifest ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) , " com.google.android.gms.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION " ) )
// This type doesn't have an activate/deactivate equivalent, at least not yet.
2021-02-16 23:38:38 +01:00
// try
// {
2021-02-17 22:27:53 +01:00
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . runMethodReflective ( ActivityManageRule . activityDetectionClassPath , " getDescription " , new Object [ ] { getActivityDetectionType ( ) } ) ) ;
2021-02-16 23:38:38 +01:00
// for(Method method : activityDetection.getMethods())
// {
// if(method.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("getDescription"))
// returnString.append(method.invoke());
//// returnString.append(Miscellaneous.getAnyContext().getResources().getString(R.string.detectedActivity) + " " + activityDetection.getDescription(getActivityDetectionType()));
// }
// }
// catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e)
// {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
2021-02-16 20:24:12 +01:00
2021-02-17 19:44:55 +01:00
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . featureNotInFdroidVersion ) ) ;
catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . featureNotInFdroidVersion ) ) ;
2021-02-16 20:24:12 +01:00
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
break ;
case bluetoothConnection :
String device = Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . anyDevice ) ;
// if(this.bluetoothDeviceAddress != null)
// {
if ( bluetoothDeviceAddress . equals ( " <any> " ) )
device = Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . any ) ;
else if ( bluetoothDeviceAddress . equals ( " <none> " ) )
device = Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . noDevice ) ;
device = BluetoothReceiver . getDeviceByAddress ( bluetoothDeviceAddress ) . getName ( ) + " ( " + this . bluetoothDeviceAddress + " ) " ;
catch ( NullPointerException e )
device = Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . invalidDevice ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " w " , " Trigger " , Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . invalidDevice ) , 3 ) ;
if ( bluetoothEvent . equals ( BluetoothDevice . ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED ) | bluetoothEvent . equals ( BluetoothDevice . ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED ) )
if ( this . triggerParameter )
returnString . append ( String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . bluetoothConnectionTo ) , device ) ) ;
returnString . append ( String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . bluetoothDisconnectFrom ) , device ) ) ;
else if ( bluetoothEvent . equals ( BluetoothDevice . ACTION_FOUND ) )
if ( this . triggerParameter )
returnString . append ( String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . bluetoothDeviceInRange ) , device ) ) ;
returnString . append ( String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . bluetoothDeviceOutOfRange ) , device ) ) ;
// }
break ;
case headsetPlugged :
String type ;
switch ( headphoneType )
case 0 :
type = Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . headphoneSimple ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
type = Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . headphoneMicrophone ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
type = Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . headphoneAny ) ;
break ;
default :
type = " not set " ;
break ;
if ( getTriggerParameter ( ) )
returnString . append ( String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . headsetConnected ) , type ) ) ;
returnString . append ( String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . headsetDisconnected ) , type ) ) ;
break ;
2021-03-27 14:11:39 +01:00
case notification :
2021-03-27 22:52:42 +01:00
if ( this . getTriggerParameter2 ( ) . contains ( triggerParameter2Split ) )
String [ ] params = getTriggerParameter2 ( ) . split ( triggerParameter2Split ) ;
String app = params [ 0 ] ;
String titleDir = params [ 1 ] ;
String title = params [ 2 ] ;
String textDir = params [ 3 ] ;
String text ;
if ( params . length > = 5 )
text = params [ 4 ] ;
text = " " ;
StringBuilder triggerBuilder = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
2021-03-27 14:11:39 +01:00
2021-03-27 22:52:42 +01:00
String appString ;
if ( app . equalsIgnoreCase ( " -1 " ) )
appString = Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . anyApp ) ;
appString = " app " + app ;
2021-03-27 14:11:39 +01:00
2021-03-27 22:52:42 +01:00
if ( triggerParameter )
triggerBuilder . append ( String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . postsNotification ) , appString ) ) ;
triggerBuilder . append ( String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . removedNotification ) , appString ) ) ;
2021-03-27 14:11:39 +01:00
2021-03-27 22:52:42 +01:00
if ( title . length ( ) > 0 )
triggerBuilder . append ( " , " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . title ) + " " + Trigger . getMatchString ( titleDir ) + " " + title ) ;
2021-03-27 14:11:39 +01:00
2021-03-27 22:52:42 +01:00
if ( text . length ( ) > 0 )
triggerBuilder . append ( " , " + Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . text ) + " " + Trigger . getMatchString ( textDir ) + " " + text ) ;
2021-03-27 14:11:39 +01:00
2021-03-27 22:52:42 +01:00
returnString . append ( triggerBuilder . toString ( ) ) ;
setTriggerParameter2 ( " -1 " + triggerParameter2Split + directionEquals + triggerParameter2Split + triggerParameter2Split + directionEquals + triggerParameter2Split + triggerParameter2Split ) ;
2021-03-27 14:11:39 +01:00
break ;
2021-11-28 20:01:58 +01:00
case devicePosition :
returnString . append ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . deviceIsInCertainPosition ) ) ;
break ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
default :
returnString . append ( " error " ) ;
break ;
2021-02-17 19:44:55 +01:00
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
return returnString . toString ( ) ;
2021-03-27 14:11:39 +01:00
public static final String directionEquals = " eq " ;
public static final String directionContains = " ct " ;
public static final String directionStartsWith = " sw " ;
public static final String directionEndsWith = " ew " ;
public static final String directionNotEquals = " ne " ;
public static String getMatchString ( String direction )
switch ( direction )
case directionEquals :
return Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . directionStringEquals ) ;
case directionContains :
return Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . directionStringContains ) ;
case directionStartsWith :
return Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . directionStringStartsWith ) ;
case directionEndsWith :
return Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . directionStringEndsWith ) ;
case directionNotEquals :
return Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . directionStringNotEquals ) ;
default :
return Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . error ) ;
public static String getMatchCode ( String direction )
if ( direction . equalsIgnoreCase ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . directionStringEquals ) ) )
return directionEquals ;
else if ( direction . equalsIgnoreCase ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . directionStringContains ) ) )
return directionContains ;
else if ( direction . equalsIgnoreCase ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . directionStringStartsWith ) ) )
return directionStartsWith ;
else if ( direction . equalsIgnoreCase ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . directionStringEndsWith ) ) )
return directionEndsWith ;
else if ( direction . equalsIgnoreCase ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . directionStringNotEquals ) ) )
return directionNotEquals ;
return Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . error ) ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
public static String [ ] getTriggerTypesAsArray ( )
ArrayList < String > triggerTypesList = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
/ * for ( int i = 0 ; i < Trigger_Enum . values ( ) . length ; i + + )
triggerTypesList . add ( Trigger_Enum . values ( ) [ i ] . toString ( ) ) ;
} * /
for ( Trigger_Enum triggerType : Trigger_Enum . values ( ) )
triggerTypesList . add ( triggerType . name ( ) ) ;
return ( String [ ] ) triggerTypesList . toArray ( new String [ triggerTypesList . size ( ) ] ) ;
public static String [ ] getTriggerTypesStringAsArray ( Context context )
ArrayList < String > triggerTypesList = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
/ * for ( int i = 0 ; i < Trigger_Enum . values ( ) . length ; i + + )
triggerTypesList . add ( Trigger_Enum . values ( ) [ i ] . getFullName ( context ) ) ;
} * /
for ( Trigger_Enum triggerType : Trigger_Enum . values ( ) )
triggerTypesList . add ( triggerType . getFullName ( context ) ) ;
return ( String [ ] ) triggerTypesList . toArray ( new String [ triggerTypesList . size ( ) ] ) ;
public void setBluetoothEvent ( String string )
this . bluetoothEvent = string ;
public Object getBluetoothEvent ( )
return this . bluetoothEvent ;
2021-11-10 21:47:09 +01:00
public Rule getParentRule ( )
return parentRule ;
public void setParentRule ( Rule parentRule )
this . parentRule = parentRule ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00