2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
package com.jens.automation2 ;
import android.content.Context ;
import android.location.Criteria ;
import android.location.Location ;
import android.location.LocationListener ;
import android.location.LocationManager ;
import android.os.Bundle ;
import android.os.Handler ;
import android.os.Message ;
import android.util.Log ;
import android.widget.Toast ;
import com.jens.automation2.Trigger.Trigger_Enum ;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Collections ;
public class PointOfInterest implements Comparable < PointOfInterest >
// The array containing all POIs
private static ArrayList < PointOfInterest > pointOfInterestCollection = new ArrayList < PointOfInterest > ( ) ;
public static ArrayList < PointOfInterest > getPointOfInterestCollection ( )
Collections . sort ( pointOfInterestCollection ) ;
return pointOfInterestCollection ;
public static void setPointOfInterestCollection ( ArrayList < PointOfInterest > pointOfInterestCollection )
Collections . sort ( pointOfInterestCollection ) ;
PointOfInterest . pointOfInterestCollection = pointOfInterestCollection ;
// name and location
private String name ;
private Location location ;
private double radius ;
private String oldName ;
private boolean activated = false ;
private static Location [ ] locationRingBuffer = new Location [ Settings . locationRingBufferSize ] ;
private static int locationRingBufferLastPosition = - 1 ;
private static boolean gpsLocationListenerArmed = false ;
private static LocationManager gpsComparisonLocationManager ;
private static GpsComparisonLocationListener gpsComparisonLocationListener ;
private static TimeoutHandler timeoutHandler = new TimeoutHandler ( ) ;
private static boolean timeoutHandlerActive = false ;
public String getName ( )
return name ;
public static void stopRoutine ( )
if ( gpsLocationListenerArmed )
stopGpsMeasurement ( ) ;
public void setName ( String desiredName )
this . oldName = this . name ;
2023-01-01 23:51:51 +01:00
this . name = desiredName . trim ( ) ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
public Location getLocation ( )
return location ;
public void setLocation ( Location location )
this . location = location ;
public double getRadius ( )
return radius ;
public void setRadius ( double radius , Context context ) throws Exception
if ( radius < = 0 )
throw new Exception ( context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . radiusHasToBePositive ) ) ;
this . radius = radius ;
public void setActivated ( boolean value )
this . activated = value ;
public boolean isActivated ( )
return activated ;
public static void positionUpdate ( Location newLocation , AutomationService parentService , boolean forceApply , boolean skipVerfication )
// StackTraceElement[] trace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
// for(StackTraceElement element : trace)
// {
// Log.i("Trace", Arrays.toString(trace));
// }
// Assumption "active POI = closest POI" is wrong!
if ( newLocation ! = null )
String accuracyString = " n./a. " ;
if ( newLocation . hasAccuracy ( ) )
accuracyString = String . valueOf ( newLocation . getAccuracy ( ) + " m " ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Got position update ( " + String . valueOf ( newLocation . getLatitude ( ) ) + " / " + String . valueOf ( newLocation . getLongitude ( ) ) + " / provider: " + newLocation . getProvider ( ) + " / Accuracy: " + accuracyString + " ), checking rules. " , 2 ) ;
PointOfInterest closestPoi = PointOfInterest . getClosestPOI ( newLocation ) ;
if ( getActivePoi ( ) ! = null )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Active POI: " + getActivePoi ( ) . getName ( ) + " , distance : " + String . valueOf ( newLocation . distanceTo ( getActivePoi ( ) . getLocation ( ) ) ) , 4 ) ;
if ( closestPoi = = null )
// There are no POIs defined. Not much we can do.
// Miscellaneous.logEvent("i", "POI", "Closest POI: n/a, distance : n/a", 4);
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Got position update, but there are no POIs defined. Can't trigger a rule. " , 3 ) ;
// return;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Closest POI: " + closestPoi . getName ( ) + " , distance : " + String . valueOf ( newLocation . distanceTo ( closestPoi . getLocation ( ) ) ) , 4 ) ;
if (
( getActivePoi ( ) ! = null & & getActivePoi ( ) . isActivated ( ) & & ! getActivePoi ( ) . reachedPoiArea ( newLocation ) )
( closestPoi ! = null & & ! closestPoi . isActivated ( ) & & closestPoi . reachedPoiArea ( newLocation ) )
// only an active POI can be left while only a closestPOI can be entered, hence the complex if/else
if ( getActivePoi ( ) ! = null & & getActivePoi ( ) . isActivated ( ) & & ! getActivePoi ( ) . reachedPoiArea ( newLocation ) )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " May have left POI " + getActivePoi ( ) . getName ( ) + " , checking location accuracy... " , 4 ) ;
if ( closestPoi ! = null & & ! closestPoi . isActivated ( ) & & closestPoi . reachedPoiArea ( newLocation ) )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " May have entered POI " + closestPoi . getName ( ) + " , checking location accuracy... " , 4 ) ;
if ( forceApply )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , parentService . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . forcedLocationUpdate ) , parentService . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . forcedLocationUpdateLong ) , 4 ) ;
// only an active POI can be left while only a closestPOI can be entered, hence the complex if/else
if ( getActivePoi ( ) ! = null & & getActivePoi ( ) . isActivated ( ) & & ! getActivePoi ( ) . reachedPoiArea ( newLocation ) )
addPositionToRingBuffer ( newLocation ) ;
getActivePoi ( ) . deactivate ( parentService ) ;
if ( closestPoi ! = null & & ! closestPoi . isActivated ( ) & & closestPoi . reachedPoiArea ( newLocation ) )
addPositionToRingBuffer ( newLocation ) ;
closestPoi . activate ( parentService ) ;
else if ( newLocation . hasAccuracy ( ) & & newLocation . getAccuracy ( ) > Settings . satisfactoryAccuracyNetwork & & ! newLocation . getProvider ( ) . equals ( LocationManager . GPS_PROVIDER ) )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Location update with unsatisfactory accuracy: " + String . valueOf ( newLocation . getAccuracy ( ) ) + " , demanded: " + String . valueOf ( Settings . satisfactoryAccuracyNetwork ) , 4 ) ;
if ( ! skipVerfication )
if ( PointOfInterest . isPoiInRelevantRange ( newLocation ) )
startGpsMeasurement ( parentService ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Applying update with unsatisfactory accuracy because no defined location is in a relevant range. " , 4 ) ;
positionUpdate ( newLocation , parentService , true , false ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Location update with unsatisfactory accuracy, but skipping verfication as requested. Effectively ignoring this update. It's probably from a passive source. Verifying it would cost battery. " , 4 ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Location update with acceptable accuracy. " , 4 ) ;
/ * It may be that a previous location wasn ' t accurate enough , we now got a better location via network ,
* but the GPS listener is still active and trying to find out a precise location . We need to deactivate
* it if we are here
* /
if ( gpsLocationListenerArmed )
stopGpsMeasurement ( ) ;
// only an active POI can be left while only a closestPOI can be entered, hence the complex if/else
if ( getActivePoi ( ) ! = null & & getActivePoi ( ) . isActivated ( ) & & ! getActivePoi ( ) . reachedPoiArea ( newLocation ) )
addPositionToRingBuffer ( newLocation ) ;
getActivePoi ( ) . deactivate ( parentService ) ;
if ( closestPoi ! = null & & ! closestPoi . isActivated ( ) & & closestPoi . reachedPoiArea ( newLocation ) )
addPositionToRingBuffer ( newLocation ) ;
closestPoi . activate ( parentService ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " e " , " POI " , " Given location is null. Aborting. " , 3 ) ;
public Boolean reachedPoiArea ( Location currentLocation )
float distance = this . location . distanceTo ( currentLocation ) ;
if ( distance < this . radius )
return true ;
return false ;
public void activate ( AutomationService parentService )
if ( ! this . isActivated ( ) )
// Deactivate all others in case nobody deactivated them
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pointOfInterestCollection . size ( ) ; i + + )
pointOfInterestCollection . get ( i ) . deactivate ( parentService ) ;
/ *
ConcurrentModificationErrors have been seen when using this method : for ( PointOfInterest onePoi : pointOfInterestCollection )
Tue Nov 20 19 : 21 : 50 GMT + 01 : 00 2018 : e / Automation / java . util . ConcurrentModificationException
at java . util . ArrayList$Itr . next ( ArrayList . java : 860 )
at com . jens . automation2 . PointOfInterest . activate ( PointOfInterest . java : 227 )
at com . jens . automation2 . PointOfInterest . positionUpdate ( PointOfInterest . java : 199 )
at com . jens . automation2 . location . LocationProvider . setCurrentLocation ( LocationProvider . java : 126 )
at com . jens . automation2 . location . LocationProvider$MyPassiveLocationListener . onLocationChanged ( LocationProvider . java : 289 )
at android . location . LocationManager$ListenerTransport . _handleMessage ( LocationManager . java : 291 )
at android . location . LocationManager$ListenerTransport . - wrap0 ( Unknown Source : 0 )
at android . location . LocationManager$ListenerTransport$1 . handleMessage ( LocationManager . java : 236 )
at android . os . Handler . dispatchMessage ( Handler . java : 105 )
at android . os . Looper . loop ( Looper . java : 164 )
at android . app . ActivityThread . main ( ActivityThread . java : 6944 )
at java . lang . reflect . Method . invoke ( Native Method )
at com . android . internal . os . Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller . run ( Zygote . java : 327 )
at com . android . internal . os . ZygoteInit . main ( ZygoteInit . java : 1374 )
* /
this . activated = true ;
Settings . lastActivePoi = this ;
Settings . writeSettings ( parentService ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Reached POI " + this . getName ( ) + " . Checking if there's a rule that applies to that. " , 2 ) ;
2021-12-13 20:03:00 +01:00
ArrayList < Rule > ruleCandidates = Rule . findRuleCandidates ( Trigger_Enum . pointOfInterest ) ;
// ArrayList<Rule> ruleCandidates = Rule.findRuleCandidatesByPoi(this);
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
if ( ruleCandidates . size ( ) = = 0 )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " POI " + this . getName ( ) + " not found in ANY rule. " , 2 ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " POI " + this . getName ( ) + " found in " + ruleCandidates . size ( ) + " rule(s). " , 2 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ruleCandidates . size ( ) ; i + + )
2021-12-07 23:10:37 +01:00
if ( ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . haveEnoughPermissions ( ) & & ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . getsGreenLight ( parentService ) )
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Rule " + ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . getName ( ) + " applies for entering POI " + this . getName ( ) + " . " , 2 ) ;
ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . activate ( parentService , false ) ;
2021-12-09 22:54:34 +01:00
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Reached POI " + this . getName ( ) + " . Done checking POI rules. " , 2 ) ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
parentService . updateNotification ( ) ;
ActivityMainScreen . updateMainScreen ( ) ;
2021-12-08 17:22:18 +01:00
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
public void deactivate ( AutomationService parentService )
if ( this . isActivated ( ) )
this . activated = false ; //has to stay before Rule.applies()
Settings . lastActivePoi = null ;
Settings . writeSettings ( parentService ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Left POI " + this . getName ( ) + " . Checking if there's a rule that applies to that. " , 2 ) ;
2021-12-13 20:03:00 +01:00
ArrayList < Rule > ruleCandidates = Rule . findRuleCandidates ( Trigger_Enum . pointOfInterest ) ;
// ArrayList<Rule> ruleCandidates = Rule.findRuleCandidatesByPoi(this);
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
if ( ruleCandidates . size ( ) = = 0 )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " POI " + this . getName ( ) + " not found in ANY rule. " , 2 ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " POI " + this . getName ( ) + " found in " + ruleCandidates . size ( ) + " rule(s). " , 2 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ruleCandidates . size ( ) ; i + + )
2021-12-07 23:10:37 +01:00
if ( ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . haveEnoughPermissions ( ) & & ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . getsGreenLight ( parentService ) )
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " Rule " + ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . getName ( ) + " applies for leaving POI " + this . getName ( ) + " . " , 2 ) ;
ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . activate ( parentService , false ) ;
parentService . updateNotification ( ) ;
ActivityMainScreen . updateMainScreen ( ) ;
public static PointOfInterest getClosestPOI ( Location currentLocation ) // throws Exception
// return the currently closed one of all saved points of interest
if ( pointOfInterestCollection . size ( ) = = 0 )
//throw new Exception("No points of interest defined.");
//Toast.makeText(context, "No points of interest defined.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
return null ;
else if ( pointOfInterestCollection . size ( ) = = 1 )
return pointOfInterestCollection . get ( 0 ) ;
double distance = pointOfInterestCollection . get ( 0 ) . location . distanceTo ( currentLocation ) ;
PointOfInterest closestPoi = pointOfInterestCollection . get ( 0 ) ;
distance = ( int ) currentLocation . distanceTo ( pointOfInterestCollection . get ( 0 ) . location ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < pointOfInterestCollection . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( currentLocation . distanceTo ( pointOfInterestCollection . get ( i ) . location ) < distance )
distance = currentLocation . distanceTo ( pointOfInterestCollection . get ( i ) . location ) ;
closestPoi = pointOfInterestCollection . get ( i ) ;
return closestPoi ;
/ * * Determines if a POI is in any relevant range . Doesn ' t say if one is
* reached , but can help decide if it ' s worth activating GPS to be sure .
* @param currentLocation
* @return
* /
public static boolean isPoiInRelevantRange ( Location currentLocation )
/ *
* Radius
* + Precision
* + Self defined value
* /
double distance ;
double minimumDistance ;
for ( PointOfInterest poi : PointOfInterest . getPointOfInterestCollection ( ) )
distance = poi . getLocation ( ) . distanceTo ( currentLocation ) ;
if ( currentLocation . hasAccuracy ( ) )
minimumDistance = currentLocation . getAccuracy ( ) ;
minimumDistance = 0 ;
minimumDistance + = poi . getRadius ( ) ;
if ( distance < minimumDistance )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . poiCouldBeInRange ) , poi . getName ( ) ) , 4 ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
public static void loadPoisFromFile ( )
if ( XmlFileInterface . settingsFile . exists ( ) )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " POI " , " SettingsFile " + XmlFileInterface . settingsFile . getPath ( ) + " exists. Loading POIs from File. " , 4 ) ;
XmlFileInterface . readFile ( ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " w " , " POI " , " SettingsFile " + XmlFileInterface . settingsFile . getPath ( ) + " doesn't exist. " , 4 ) ;
catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
public static boolean writePoisToFile ( )
return XmlFileInterface . writeFile ( ) ;
public String toString ( )
return this . getName ( ) ;
public String toStringLong ( )
return this . name + " : " + String . valueOf ( this . radius ) + " meters around " + String . valueOf ( this . location . getLatitude ( ) + " / " + String . valueOf ( this . location . getLongitude ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean create ( Context context )
for ( PointOfInterest poi : PointOfInterest . pointOfInterestCollection )
if ( poi . getName ( ) . equals ( this . getName ( ) ) )
Toast . makeText ( context , context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . anotherPoiByThatName ) , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ) . show ( ) ;
return false ;
if ( plausibilityCheck ( ) )
PointOfInterest . pointOfInterestCollection . add ( this ) ;
PointOfInterest . writePoisToFile ( ) ;
AutomationService service = AutomationService . getInstance ( ) ;
if ( service ! = null )
service . applySettingsAndRules ( ) ;
//Easiest way to check for changes in location, reset the last known location.
service . getLocationProvider ( ) . setCurrentLocation ( service . getLocationProvider ( ) . getCurrentLocation ( ) , true ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
public boolean change ( Context context )
/ *
Check for change of rule name START
* /
if ( this . oldName ! = null & & ! this . oldName . equals ( this . name ) ) // catch oldName being null
//Name has changed. We need to look for rules that reference it by its name and update those references
// Check if the name is still available
int counter = 0 ; // this method should only be a temporary workaround, directly editing the referenced object may cause problems until reloading the config file
for ( PointOfInterest poi : PointOfInterest . pointOfInterestCollection )
if ( poi . getName ( ) . equals ( this . getName ( ) ) )
counter + + ;
if ( counter > 1 )
Toast . makeText ( context , context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . anotherPoiByThatName ) , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ) . show ( ) ;
return false ;
// Check if rules reference this poi
ArrayList < Rule > rulesThatReferenceMe = Rule . findRuleCandidatesByPoi ( this ) ;
if ( rulesThatReferenceMe . size ( ) > 0 )
for ( Rule oneRule : rulesThatReferenceMe )
for ( Trigger oneTrigger : oneRule . getTriggerSet ( ) )
if ( oneTrigger . getTriggerType ( ) = = Trigger_Enum . pointOfInterest )
oneTrigger . setPointOfInterest ( this ) ;
// We don't need to save the file. This will happen anyway in PointOfInterest.writePoisToFile() below.
/ *
Check for change of rule name END
* /
if ( plausibilityCheck ( ) )
if ( PointOfInterest . writePoisToFile ( ) )
AutomationService service = AutomationService . getInstance ( ) ;
if ( service ! = null )
2021-06-01 20:07:15 +02:00
service . applySettingsAndRules ( ) ;
//Easiest way to check for changes in location, reset the last known location.
service . getLocationProvider ( ) . setCurrentLocation ( service . getLocationProvider ( ) . getCurrentLocation ( ) , true ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
// Just log the event. This should not cause an interruption in the program flow.
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " e " , " save POI " , " Error when trying to apply settings and rules: " + Log . getStackTraceString ( e ) , 2 ) ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
return true ;
return false ;
catch ( Exception e )
Toast . makeText ( context , context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . unknownError ) , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ) . show ( ) ;
return false ;
public boolean delete ( Context context )
//Check if there's a rule that contains this poi
ArrayList < Rule > rulesThatReferenceMe = Rule . findRuleCandidatesByPoi ( this ) ;
if ( rulesThatReferenceMe . size ( ) > 0 )
String rulesString = " " ;
for ( Rule rule : rulesThatReferenceMe )
rulesString + = rule . getName ( ) + " ; " ;
rulesString = rulesString . substring ( 0 , rulesString . length ( ) - 2 ) ;
Toast . makeText ( context , String . format ( context . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . poiStillReferenced ) , rulesString ) , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ) . show ( ) ;
return false ;
PointOfInterest . pointOfInterestCollection . remove ( this ) ;
PointOfInterest . writePoisToFile ( ) ;
AutomationService service = AutomationService . getInstance ( ) ;
2021-06-01 20:07:15 +02:00
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
service . applySettingsAndRules ( ) ;
//Easiest way to check for changes in location, reset the last known location.
service . getLocationProvider ( ) . setCurrentLocation ( service . getLocationProvider ( ) . getCurrentLocation ( ) , true ) ;
2021-06-01 20:07:15 +02:00
catch ( Exception e )
// Just log the event. This should not cause an interruption in the program flow.
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " e " , " save POI " , " Error when trying to apply settings and rules: " + Log . getStackTraceString ( e ) , 2 ) ;
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
return true ;
public static PointOfInterest getByName ( String searchName ) throws Exception
for ( PointOfInterest poi : pointOfInterestCollection )
if ( poi . name . equals ( searchName ) )
return poi ;
throw new Exception ( " PointOfInterest with name " + searchName + " not found. " ) ;
public static String [ ] getNamesInArray ( )
ArrayList < String > nameList = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
for ( PointOfInterest poi : pointOfInterestCollection )
nameList . add ( poi . name ) ;
return ( String [ ] ) nameList . toArray ( new String [ pointOfInterestCollection . size ( ) ] ) ;
public static PointOfInterest getActivePoi ( )
for ( PointOfInterest poi : PointOfInterest . pointOfInterestCollection )
if ( poi . isActivated ( ) )
return poi ;
return null ;
public int compareTo ( PointOfInterest another )
return this . getName ( ) . compareTo ( another . getName ( ) ) ;
private static boolean addPositionToRingBuffer ( Location newLocation )
/ *
* This method ' s purpose is to record the last n positions and check if they are different .
* In reality you will never get the exact same position twice . If you do the location engine
* seems to have hung up .
* /
if ( + + locationRingBufferLastPosition > locationRingBuffer . length - 1 )
locationRingBufferLastPosition = 0 ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " Ringbuffer. " , " Adding location " + String . valueOf ( newLocation . getLatitude ( ) ) + " / " + String . valueOf ( newLocation . getLongitude ( ) ) + " to ringbuffer at index " + String . valueOf ( locationRingBufferLastPosition ) , 5 ) ;
locationRingBuffer [ locationRingBufferLastPosition ] = newLocation ;
/ *
* Return values :
* true if the new location is different to the last one
* false if we get repeated values , comparing all values
* false indicates problems with hangups in getting locations .
* /
int counter = locationRingBufferLastPosition + 1 - 1 ; // make a copy, not a reference
int previousIndex ;
if ( counter > 0 )
previousIndex = counter - 1 ;
previousIndex = Settings . locationRingBufferSize - 1 ;
if ( locationRingBuffer [ counter ] . getLatitude ( ) ! = locationRingBuffer [ previousIndex ] . getLatitude ( ) | locationRingBuffer [ counter ] . getLongitude ( ) ! = locationRingBuffer [ previousIndex ] . getLongitude ( ) )
// If location different from last one we're fine.
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " w " , " Ringbuffer. " , " Location has changed from the last one. We \ 're fine. " , 5 ) ;
return true ;
catch ( NullPointerException ne )
/ *
* Just null pointer exception . Ringbuffer isn ' t filled to its maximum , yet .
* /
return true ;
if ( counter > 0 )
counter - - ;
counter = Settings . locationRingBufferSize - 1 ;
} while ( counter ! = locationRingBufferLastPosition ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " w " , " Ringbuffer " , " Location has not changed from the last one. Something \ 's odd. Maybe the location engine kind of hung up. " , 2 ) ;
return false ;
catch ( ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " e " , " Ringbuffer " , " Probably not enough values, yet. " , 5 ) ;
return true ;
catch ( Exception e )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " e " , " Ringbuffer " , " Error in ringbuffer: " + Log . getStackTraceString ( e ) , 4 ) ;
return true ;
public static class GpsComparisonLocationListener implements LocationListener
public AutomationService parent = null ;
public void onLocationChanged ( Location up2DateLocation )
stopGpsMeasurement ( ) ;
PointOfInterest . positionUpdate ( up2DateLocation , parent , true , false ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " LocationListener " , " Disarmed location listener, accuracy reached " , 4 ) ;
public void onProviderDisabled ( String provider )
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onProviderEnabled ( String provider )
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onStatusChanged ( String provider , int status , Bundle extras )
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private static void startGpsMeasurement ( AutomationService parentService )
// Arm location updates
if ( ! gpsLocationListenerArmed )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " PointOfInterest " , " Unsatisfactory accuracy of network location. Performing comparison measurement via GPS. " , 3 ) ;
String myGpsComparisonProviderName ;
if ( Settings . privacyLocationing )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " PointOfInterest " , parentService . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . enforcingGps ) , 4 ) ;
myGpsComparisonProviderName = LocationManager . GPS_PROVIDER ;
// Miscellaneous.logEvent("i", "PointOfInterest", parentService.getResources().getString(R.string.notEnforcingGps), 4);
Criteria crit = new Criteria ( ) ;
// crit.setPowerRequirement(Criteria.POWER_LOW);
// crit.setAltitudeRequired(false);
// crit.setSpeedRequired(false);
// crit.setBearingRequired(false);
crit . setCostAllowed ( true ) ;
crit . setAccuracy ( Criteria . ACCURACY_FINE ) ;
gpsComparisonLocationManager = ( LocationManager ) parentService . getSystemService ( parentService . LOCATION_SERVICE ) ;
myGpsComparisonProviderName = gpsComparisonLocationManager . getBestProvider ( crit , true ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " LocationListener " , " Arming location listener, Provider: " + myGpsComparisonProviderName , 4 ) ;
gpsComparisonLocationListener = new GpsComparisonLocationListener ( ) ;
gpsComparisonLocationListener . parent = parentService ;
gpsComparisonLocationManager . requestLocationUpdates ( myGpsComparisonProviderName , Settings . minimumTimeBetweenUpdate , Settings . minimumDistanceChangeForNetworkUpdate , gpsComparisonLocationListener ) ;
gpsLocationListenerArmed = true ;
// set timeout
Message message = new Message ( ) ;
message . what = 1 ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , parentService . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . gpsComparison ) , parentService . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . startingGpsTimeout ) , 4 ) ;
if ( timeoutHandler . parentService = = null )
timeoutHandler . parentService = parentService ;
timeoutHandler . sendMessageDelayed ( message , Settings . gpsTimeout * 1000 ) ;
timeoutHandlerActive = true ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " PointOfInterest " , " Comparison measurement via GPS requested, but already active. " , 3 ) ;
private static void stopGpsMeasurement ( )
if ( gpsLocationListenerArmed )
gpsComparisonLocationManager . removeUpdates ( gpsComparisonLocationListener ) ;
gpsLocationListenerArmed = false ;
if ( timeoutHandlerActive )
timeoutHandler . removeMessages ( 1 ) ;
timeoutHandlerActive = false ;
private static class TimeoutHandler extends Handler
public AutomationService parentService = null ;
public Location locationToApplyIfGpsFails = null ;
public void handleMessage ( Message msg )
super . handleMessage ( msg ) ;
if ( msg . what = = 1 )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , parentService . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . gpsComparison ) , parentService . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . gpsComparisonTimeoutStop ) , 4 ) ;
stopGpsMeasurement ( ) ;
private boolean plausibilityCheck ( )
double distance , minimumDistance , overlap ;
if ( this . getName ( ) . equals ( " null " ) )
// Invalid name
String text = Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . invalidPoiName ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " w " , " POI " , text , 2 ) ;
Toast . makeText ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) , text , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ) . show ( ) ;
return false ;
for ( PointOfInterest otherPoi : this . getPointOfInterestCollection ( ) )
distance = otherPoi . getLocation ( ) . distanceTo ( this . getLocation ( ) ) ;
minimumDistance = otherPoi . getRadius ( ) / 2 + this . getRadius ( ) / 2 ;
overlap = Math . round ( Math . abs ( distance - minimumDistance ) ) ;
if ( distance < = minimumDistance & & ! otherPoi . getName ( ) . equals ( this . getName ( ) ) )
String text = String . format ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . overlapBetweenPois ) , otherPoi . getName ( ) , String . valueOf ( overlap ) ) ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " w " , " POI " , text , 2 ) ;
2021-06-12 02:27:51 +02:00
// Miscellaneous.messageBox("POI", text, Miscellaneous.getAnyContext()).show();
2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
Toast . makeText ( Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) , text , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ) . show ( ) ;
return false ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " w " , " POI " , Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . noOverLap ) , 2 ) ;
return true ;
public static boolean reachedPoiWithActivateWifiRule ( )
PointOfInterest activePoi = PointOfInterest . getActivePoi ( ) ;
if ( activePoi ! = null )
for ( Rule rule : Rule . findRuleCandidatesByPoi ( activePoi , true ) )
for ( Action action : rule . getActionSet ( ) )
if ( action . getAction ( ) . equals ( Action . Action_Enum . setWifi ) & & action . getParameter1 ( ) )
// We are at a POI that specifies to enable wifi.
return true ;
return false ;