2021-02-16 13:42:49 +01:00
package com.jens.automation2.receivers ;
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import android.Manifest ;
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import android.content.BroadcastReceiver ;
import android.content.Context ;
import android.content.Intent ;
import android.content.IntentFilter ;
import android.os.BatteryManager ;
import android.util.Log ;
import android.widget.Toast ;
import com.jens.automation2.ActivityPermissions ;
import com.jens.automation2.AutomationService ;
import com.jens.automation2.Miscellaneous ;
import com.jens.automation2.Rule ;
import com.jens.automation2.Trigger.Trigger_Enum ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
public class BatteryReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver implements AutomationListenerInterface
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private static int batteryLevel = - 1 ; // initialize with a better value than this
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public static AutomationService automationServiceRef = null ;
private static boolean usbHostConnected = false ;
private static boolean batteryReceiverActive = false ;
private static IntentFilter batteryIntentFilter = null ;
private static Intent batteryStatus = null ;
private static BroadcastReceiver batteryInfoReceiverInstance = null ;
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public static void startBatteryReceiver ( final AutomationService automationServiceRef )
if ( ! batteryReceiverActive )
BatteryReceiver . automationServiceRef = automationServiceRef ;
if ( batteryInfoReceiverInstance = = null )
batteryInfoReceiverInstance = new BatteryReceiver ( ) ;
if ( batteryIntentFilter = = null )
batteryIntentFilter = new IntentFilter ( ) ;
batteryIntentFilter . addAction ( Intent . ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED ) ;
batteryIntentFilter . addAction ( Intent . ACTION_BATTERY_LOW ) ;
// batteryIntentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED);
// batteryIntentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED);
batteryStatus = automationServiceRef . registerReceiver ( batteryInfoReceiverInstance , batteryIntentFilter ) ;
batteryReceiverActive = true ;
public static void stopBatteryReceiver ( )
if ( batteryReceiverActive )
if ( batteryInfoReceiverInstance ! = null )
automationServiceRef . unregisterReceiver ( batteryInfoReceiverInstance ) ;
batteryInfoReceiverInstance = null ;
batteryReceiverActive = false ;
public static boolean isBatteryReceiverActive ( )
return batteryReceiverActive ;
public static boolean isUsbHostConnected ( )
return usbHostConnected ;
public static int getBatteryLevel ( )
return batteryLevel ;
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private static int currentChargingState = 0 ; //0=unknown, 1=no, 2=yes
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public static int getCurrentChargingState ( )
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return currentChargingState ;
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public void onReceive ( Context context , Intent intent )
// Log.i("Battery", "Some battery event");
if ( intent = = null )
return ;
if ( context = = null )
return ;
if ( intent . getAction ( ) . equals ( Intent . ACTION_BATTERY_LOW ) )
Log . i ( " Battery " , " Low battery event " ) ;
// Miscellaneous.logEvent("i", "BatteryReceiver", "Received battery event.");
// if(intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED))
// {
batteryLevel = intent . getIntExtra ( BatteryManager . EXTRA_LEVEL , - 1 ) ;
// int scale = -1;
// int voltage = -1;
// int temp = -1;
// scale = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE, -1);
// temp = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_TEMPERATURE, -1);
// voltage = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_VOLTAGE, -1);
Log . i ( " Battery " , " Level: " + String . valueOf ( batteryLevel ) ) ;
this . actionBatteryLevel ( context ) ;
int status = intent . getIntExtra ( BatteryManager . EXTRA_STATUS , - 1 ) ;
int statusPlugged = intent . getIntExtra ( BatteryManager . EXTRA_PLUGGED , - 1 ) ;
// Miscellaneous.logEvent("i", "BatteryReceiver", "Status: " + String.valueOf(statusPlugged));
switch ( statusPlugged )
case BatteryManager . BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC :
// Toast.makeText(context, "Regular charging", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
// Miscellaneous.logEvent("i", "BatteryReceiver", "Regular charging.");
this . actionCharging ( context ) ;
break ;
case BatteryManager . BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB :
this . actionUsbConnected ( context ) ;
break ;
switch ( status )
// case BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING:
// break;
case BatteryManager . BATTERY_STATUS_FULL :
// Toast.makeText(context, "Regular charging full", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
// Miscellaneous.logEvent("i", "BatteryReceiver", "Device has been fully charged.");
this . actionCharging ( context ) ;
break ;
this . actionDischarging ( context ) ;
break ;
catch ( Exception e )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " e " , " BatteryReceiver " , " Error receiving battery status: " + e . getMessage ( ) , 3 ) ;
public static int isDeviceCharging ( Context context )
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switch ( currentChargingState )
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case 0 :
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " w " , " ChargingInfo " , " Status of device charging was requested. Information isn't available, yet. " , 4 ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " ChargingInfo " , " Status of device charging was requested. Device is discharging. " , 3 ) ;
break ;
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case BatteryManager . BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING :
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Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " ChargingInfo " , " Status of device charging was requested. Device is charging. " , 3 ) ;
break ;
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return currentChargingState ;
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private void actionCharging ( Context context )
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if ( currentChargingState ! = BatteryManager . BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING ) // Avoid flooding the log. This event will occur on a regular basis even though charging state wasn't changed.
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Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " BatteryReceiver " , " Battery is charging or full. " , 3 ) ;
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currentChargingState = BatteryManager . BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING ;
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//activate rule(s)
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ArrayList < Rule > ruleCandidates = Rule . findRuleCandidates ( Trigger_Enum . charging ) ;
// ArrayList<Rule> ruleCandidates = Rule.findRuleCandidatesByCharging(true);
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for ( int i = 0 ; i < ruleCandidates . size ( ) ; i + + )
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if ( ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . getsGreenLight ( context ) )
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ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . activate ( automationServiceRef , false ) ;
private void actionBatteryLevel ( Context context )
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " BatteryReceiver " , " Battery level has changed. " , 3 ) ;
//activate rule(s)
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ArrayList < Rule > ruleCandidates = Rule . findRuleCandidates ( Trigger_Enum . batteryLevel ) ;
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for ( int i = 0 ; i < ruleCandidates . size ( ) ; i + + )
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if ( ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . getsGreenLight ( context ) )
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ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . activate ( automationServiceRef , false ) ;
private void actionDischarging ( Context context )
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if ( currentChargingState ! = BatteryManager . BATTERY_STATUS_UNKNOWN ) // Avoid flooding the log. This event will occur on a regular basis even though charging state wasn't changed.
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Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " BatteryReceiver " , " Battery is discharging. " , 3 ) ;
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currentChargingState = BatteryManager . BATTERY_STATUS_UNKNOWN ;
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//activate rule(s)
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ArrayList < Rule > ruleCandidates = Rule . findRuleCandidates ( Trigger_Enum . charging ) ;
// ArrayList<Rule> ruleCandidates = Rule.findRuleCandidatesByCharging(false);
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for ( int i = 0 ; i < ruleCandidates . size ( ) ; i + + )
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if ( ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . getsGreenLight ( context ) )
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ruleCandidates . get ( i ) . activate ( automationServiceRef , false ) ;
this . actionUsbDisconnected ( context ) ;
private void actionUsbConnected ( Context context )
// Event usbConnected
// Miscellaneous.logEvent("i", "BatteryReceiver", "BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB");
if ( ! usbHostConnected )
usbHostConnected = true ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " BatteryReceiver " , " Connected to computer. " , 3 ) ;
Toast . makeText ( context , " Connected to computer. " , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ) . show ( ) ;
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ArrayList < Rule > ruleCandidates = Rule . findRuleCandidates ( Trigger_Enum . usb_host_connection ) ;
// ArrayList<Rule> ruleCandidates = Rule.findRuleCandidatesByUsbHost(true);
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for ( Rule oneRule : ruleCandidates )
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if ( oneRule . getsGreenLight ( context ) )
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oneRule . activate ( automationServiceRef , false ) ;
this . actionCharging ( context ) ;
private void actionUsbDisconnected ( Context context )
// Event usbDisConnected
if ( usbHostConnected )
usbHostConnected = false ;
Miscellaneous . logEvent ( " i " , " BatteryReceiver " , " Disconnected from computer. " , 3 ) ;
Toast . makeText ( context , " Disconnected from computer. " , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ) . show ( ) ;
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ArrayList < Rule > ruleCandidates = Rule . findRuleCandidates ( Trigger_Enum . usb_host_connection ) ;
// ArrayList<Rule> ruleCandidates = Rule.findRuleCandidatesByUsbHost(false);
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for ( Rule oneRule : ruleCandidates )
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if ( oneRule . getsGreenLight ( context ) )
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oneRule . activate ( automationServiceRef , false ) ;
public void startListener ( AutomationService automationService )
BatteryReceiver . startBatteryReceiver ( automationService ) ;
public void stopListener ( AutomationService automationService )
BatteryReceiver . stopBatteryReceiver ( ) ;
public static boolean haveAllPermission ( )
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return ActivityPermissions . havePermission ( Manifest . permission . READ_PHONE_STATE , Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) ) & &
ActivityPermissions . havePermission ( Manifest . permission . BATTERY_STATS , Miscellaneous . getAnyContext ( ) ) ;
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public boolean isListenerRunning ( )
return BatteryReceiver . isBatteryReceiverActive ( ) ;
public Trigger_Enum [ ] getMonitoredTrigger ( )
// actually monitores several
return new Trigger_Enum [ ] { Trigger_Enum . batteryLevel , Trigger_Enum . charging , Trigger_Enum . usb_host_connection } ;