<stringname="logNotAllMeasurings">Todavia no tengo todo los ensayos des lugares. No puedo hacer comparación.</string>
<stringname="distanceBetween">Distancia entre GPS lugar y network lugar esta</string>
<stringname="radiusSuggestion">metros. Este +1 habia de estar el minimo.</string>
<stringname="comparing">Tengo tanto network como gps lugar. Estoy comparando...</string>
<stringname="logNoSuitableProvider">No ha encontrado una adecuada compañía de lugares.</string>
<stringname="positioningWindowNotice">Si estas en un edificaión vaya cerca de una ventana hasta una posición ha sido encontrado. Si no podria durar mucho tiempo si es posible en absoluto.</string>
<stringname="gettingPosition">Buscando posición. Esperaria, por favor...</string>
<stringname="logGettingPositionWithProvider">Busco el posición de la compañía:</string>
<stringname="logGotGpsUpdate">He recibido una posición de GPS. Precisión:</string>
<stringname="logGotNetworkUpdate">He recibido una posición de network. Precisión:</string>
<stringname="pleaseEnterValidLatitude">Please enter a valid latitude.</string>
<stringname="pleaseEnterValidLongitude">Please enter a valid longitude.</string>
<stringname="pleaseEnterValidRadius">Please enter a valid positive radius.</string>
<stringname="selectOneDay">Select at least one day.</string>
<stringname="logAttemptingToBindToService">Attempting to bind to service... </string>
<stringname="logAttemptingToUnbindFromService">Attempting to unbind from service... </string>
<stringname="logBoundToService">Bound to service.</string>
<stringname="logUnboundFromService">Unbound from service.</string>
<stringname="logServiceAlreadyRunning">Request to start service, but it is already running.</string>
<stringname="whatToDoWithRule">Do what with rule?</string>
<stringname="whatToDoWithPoi">Do what with location?</string>
<stringname="whatToDoWithProfile">Do what with profile?</string>
<stringname="serviceStopped">Automation service stopped.</string>
<stringname="getCurrentPosition">Get current location</string>
<stringname="savePoi">Save location</string>
<stringname="deletePoi">Delete location</string>
<stringname="ruleName">Rule name</string>
<stringname="triggersComment">and-connected (all have to apply at the same time)</string>
<stringname="addTrigger">Add trigger</string>
<stringname="actionsComment">(will be executed in that order)</string>
<stringname="addAction">Add action</string>
<stringname="saveRule">Save Rule</string>
<stringname="urlToTrigger">URL to trigger:</string>
<stringname="urlLegend">Variables:\nYou can use the following variables. Upon triggering they will be replaced with the corresponding value on your device. Include the brackets in your text.\n\n[uniqueid] - Your device\'s unique id\n[serialnr] - Your device\'s serial number\n[latitude] - Your device\'s latitude\n[longitude] - Your device\'s longitude\n[phonenr] - Number of last incoming or outgoing call\n[d] - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros\n[m] - Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros\n[Y] - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits\n[h] - 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros\n[H] - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros\n[i] - Minutes with leading zeros\n[s] - Seconds, with leading zeros\n[ms] - milliseconds</string>
<stringname="bluetoothFailed">Failed to trigger Bluetooth. Does this device have Bluetooth?</string>
<stringname="urlTooShort">The url has to have least 10 characters.</string>
<stringname="textTooShort">The text has to have least 10 characters.</string>
<stringname="selectTypeOfTrigger">Select type of trigger</string>
<stringname="noPoisSpecified">You haven\'t specified any locations. Do that first.</string>
<stringname="selectPoi">Select location</string>
<stringname="selectTypeOfAction">Select type of action</string>
<stringname="helpTextRules">All triggers in a rule are AND-connected. The rule will only apply if all triggers are met. If you want OR create another rule.</string>
<stringname="helpTextTimeFrame">If you specify a rule with a timeframe you have two choices. You can choose between entering and leaving a timeframe. Either way an action is triggered only once.\nSo if you create a rule that has \"entering timeframe xyz\" as trigger and let it change your sound profile to vibrate that does not mean that the phone will automatically go to ring if the timeframe is over. If you want that you need to specify another rule with another timeframe.</string>
<stringname="helpTextToggable">Rules have a flag called \"Toggable\". This means that if a rule is executed and afterwards the same triggers apply again the rule will be executed in an opposite mode where applicable. Currently this will only happen in conjunction with NFC tags. If you tap them twice and there\'s a toggable rule associated with it it will do the opposite of the current situation, e.g. deactivate wifi if it\'s currently activated.</string>
<stringname="helpTextProcessMonitoring">If you specify a rule with a process monitor the application will check for that process every x seconds (you can change that in settings). I know that can be kind of slow, but continuous monitoring would drain the battery to fast. And there is no broadcast from the OS for that event.</string>
<stringname="speedMaximumTimeBetweenLocations">Maximum time between 2 locations for speed determination.</string>
<stringname="speedMaximumTime">Time in minutes</string>
<stringname="helpTextPoi">A location is made up of GPS coordinates and a radius. Since positioning via cell towers is rather unprecise (but fast and cheap) do not specify the radius too small. The application will suggest you a minimum radius when you create a new location.</string>
<stringname="serviceNotRunning">Service is not running.</string>
<stringname="generalText">To use this program you must setup rules. Those contain triggers, e.g. if you reach a specified area or you enter a certain time. After that\'s been done click the on/off button on the main screen.</string>
<stringname="timeoutForGpsComparisonsSummary">Maximum time in seconds to trying getting a GPS location for comparison. If over last known location will be applied.</string>
<stringname="forcedLocationUpdateLong">Due to timeout in comparison measurement the last best location will be applied.</string>
<stringname="rememberLastActivePoiSummary">If you are at a location, restart your device or the application and leave the location the application will run rules accociated to leaving the location upon its next start.</string>
<stringname="rememberLastActivePoiTitle">Remember last active location</string>
<stringname="muteTextToSpeechDuringCallsTitle">Mute during calls</string>
<stringname="muteTextToSpeechDuringCallsSummary">Mute TextToSpeech during calls</string>
<stringname="anotherPoiByThatName">There is already another location by that name.</string>
<stringname="anotherRuleByThatName">There is already another rule by that name.</string>
<stringname="startOtherActivity">Start another program</string>
<stringname="applyingSettingsAndRules">Applying settings, rules and locations.</string>
<stringname="privacy">Privacy Policy</string>
<stringname="privacyConfirmationText">A browser will now open on your device and load the privacy policy from the developer\'s website.</string>
<stringname="waitBeforeNextAction">Wait before next action</string>
<stringname="wakeupDevice">Wakeup device</string>
<stringname="waitBeforeNextActionEnterValue">Enter a value in milliseconds how long it should be waited before next action.</string>
<stringname="wakeupDeviceValue">Enter a value in milliseconds how long device should at least stay awake. 0 for default values.</string>
<stringname="enterAPositiveValidNonDecimalNumber">Enter a positive valid non-decimal number.</string>
<stringname="moveUp">Move up</string>
<stringname="moveDown">Move down</string>
<stringname="cantMoveUp">Can\'t move item up. It is already at the top.</string>
<stringname="cantMoveDown">Can\'t move item down. It is already at the bottom.</string>
<stringname="wifiNameSpecifiedCheckingThat">Wifi name specified, checking that.</string>
<stringname="wifiNameMatchesRuleWillApply">Wifi name matches. Rule will apply.</string>
<stringname="noWifiNameSpecifiedAnyWillDo">No wifi name specified, any will do.</string>
<stringname="ruleCheckOf">RuleCheck of %1$s</string>
<stringname="airplaneMode">Airplane mode</string>
<stringname="airplaneModeSdk17Warning">Beginning from Android version 4.2 this feature only works if your device is rooted.</string>
<stringname="triggerUrlReplacementPositionError">You asked for a position to be added to your URL. Unfortunately at this point I do not have any location, yet.</string>
<stringname="activityDetectionRequiredProbabilitySummary">Certainty from which activities are accepted as fact.</string>
<stringname="incomingCallFrom">Incoming telephone call from %1$s.</string>
<stringname="outgoingCallFrom">Outgoing telephone call to %1$s.</string>
<stringname="actionSpeakText">Speak text</string>
<stringname="textToSpeak">Text to speak</string>
<stringname="toggleNotAllowed">Toggling is currently only allowed for rules that have NFC tags as trigger. See help for further information.</string>
<stringname="errorReadingPoisAndRulesFromFile">Error reading locations and rules from file.</string>
<stringname="noDataChangedReadingAnyway">It appears no data change has been saved. However there may have been changes in memory that need to be rolled back. Rereading file.</string>
<stringname="privacyLocationingSummary">Avoid locationing methods that may send your location to a provider, e.g. Google. This will use GPS only and may therefore be slow or not work reliably.</string>
<stringname="noiseDetectionHint">If you think the noise detection isn\'t working correctly (depending on the value you specify) please keep in mind that every phone is different. You can therefore change \"Reference for noise measurement\" in settings. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel for more information. You can use the volume tester from the main screen to calibrate your device.</string>
<stringname="noWritableFolderFound">No writable folder found to store config file.</string>
<stringname="usbTetheringFailForAboveGingerbread">This will most likely not work as you\'re above Android 2.3. However you could use wifi tethering instead.</string>
<stringname="usingNewThreadForRuleExecution">Using new thread for rule activation.</string>
<stringname="startNewThreadForRuleExecution">Start new thread for rule activation.</string>
<stringname="newThreadRules">New thread</string>
<stringname="showIcon">Show icon</string>
<stringname="showIconWhenServiceIsRunning">Show icon when service is running (works only below Android 7)</string>
<stringname="ruleHistory">Rule history (most recent first):</string>
<stringname="someOptionsNotAvailableYet">Some options are disabled as they cannot be used, yet. They will be introduced in a later program version.</string>
<stringname="enterValidReferenceValue">Enter a valid reference value.</string>
<stringname="volumeTest">Volume test</string>
<stringname="volumeTesterExplanation">To calculate a dB value for noise monitoring you need to specify a so called physical reference value. Please read Wikipedia for further information. This value is most likely different for every phone. Drag the seekbar to change the defined physical reference value. The higher the reference value the lower the dB value will be. Constant measurings will be performed every %1$s seconds and the results displayed below. Press back when you have found a suitable value.</string>
<stringname="settingsWillTakeTime">Some settings will not be applied before certain environment settings change or service is restarted.</string>
<stringname="phoneIsRooted">Phone is rooted.</string>
<stringname="phoneIsNotRooted">Phone is not rooted.</string>
<stringname="dataConWithRootSuccess">Data connection was successfully changed using superuser permissions.</string>
<stringname="dataConWithRootFail">Data could not be changed using superuser permissions.</string>
<stringname="rootExplanation">You need to root your phone for this function to work. Afterwards you needs to \"run the rule manually\" to show up the superuser permission question. When the superuser popups shows up you need to always allow the application to do that. Otherwise the rule cannot function when the phone is unattended.</string>
<stringname="errorWritingConfig">Error writing config. Do you have a writable memory?</string>
<stringname="phoneNrReplacementError">I could not insert the last phone nr in the variable. I don\'t have it.</string>
<stringname="theFollowingPermissionsHaveBeenDenied">The following permissions have been denied:</string>
<stringname="permissionsExplanationGeneric">The app is current running in limited mode and has deactivated some features. To fully function it requires permissions. If you want to use all functionality you have to grant the permissions in the following rights dialogues. If you do not certain rules can not be executed. In the following you are given an explanation for the requested permissions. Click "continue", when you are ready to proceed.</string>
<stringname="permissionsExplanationSmall">To enable the feature you just tried to use more permissions are required. Click continue to request them.</string>
<stringname="storeSettings">Read and store settings</string>
<stringname="ruleLegend">Green = enabled, red = disabled, yellow = not enough permissions</string>
<stringname="systemSettingsNote1">The permission to change some OS settings is required (even simple stuff like turn on bluetooth or wifi). After clicking "continue" a window will popup where you need to enable this for Automation. Then hit your "back" key.</string>
<stringname="systemSettingsNote2">Further permissions will be requested in a second dialog afterwards.</string>
<stringname="appRequiresPermissiontoAccessExternalStorage">Automation requires access to external storage to read its settings and rules.</string>
<stringname="mainScreenPermissionNote">Automation requires more permissions to fully function. Click on this text to find out more and request them.</string>
<stringname="helpTextActivityDetection">This feature can detect if you\'re currently on the go and if it is on foot or in which type of vehicle (to a certain extent). The feature is not fully built into Automation, but is provided by Google Play Services. Technically it does not give a yes/no result, but return a percentage to which level it is sure it detected you\'re status. You can setup the percentage value from which Automation will accept a result. Two remarks: 1) More than 1 status could occur at the same time. For example you might be WALKING inside a driving bus. 2) This sensor is relative cost intensive. If it is possible you might consider using alternatives, e.g. require your car\'s handsfree device to be connected to detect you\'re driving.</string>
<stringname="sendTextMessage">Send text message</string>
<stringname="textToSend">Text to send</string>
<stringname="textMessageAnnotations">You can directly enter a phone number. Alternatively use the contacts option to pick one. But keep in mind: The number will be stored here, not the contact. If you change the phone number of a selected contact you\'ll need to update this rule. It doesn\'t do that by itself.</string>
<stringname="importNumberFromContacts">Import number from contacts</string>
<stringname="android9RecordAudioNotice">If you\'re using the noise level trigger: Unfortunately beginning with Android 9 (Pie) Google decided to disallow background applications to use the microphone. So this trigger has no effect anymore and won\'t trigger anything.</string>
<stringname="messageNotShownAgain">This message won\'t be shown again.</string>
<stringname="chooseActivityHint">In this final selection popup you need to select a specific activity. Simplified this is like a window of the desired application. If you do not know which one it is generally a good idea to pick one that has \"main\" or \"launcher\" in its name.</string>
<stringname="clickAndHoldForOptions">Klicken und halten Sie ein Objekt für Optionen.</string>